After every child I have run a half marathon. I was determined to do another one after Jackson. Before his arrival I had looked at different races and was planning on trying a couple of small tri's and a half.
That was before he came.
Then he arrived, and I was sick.....soooo sick for the entire month of June I felt horrible. I didn't even really care that I wasn't getting back into shape because I could barely function. I got better and Jackson got a little bigger - well okay a lot bigger FAST! He started being more predictable eating every 3 hours round the clock and then I just adjusted to some sleep and set my sights on completing my half.
I also enlisted the help of a thing I EVER did.Enter Mary Holt Wilson and Tri Moxie Coaching She kept me on a big way. Moving to PA I lost my running friends.....well I did not lose them but the ability to run with them in the mornings or weekends. My motavation was mediocre at best but I really wanted to be back into shape and run.
So I did....people often say to me I don't know where you find the time. The truth.....anyone can find an hour. Whether it was in the am before Ryan went to work or in the evening or weekends when he was home I biked, swam and ran. I have a long way to go.....for next summer but I finally feel like I am back on track.
So the run was on Sun am.....the trains dont run from Lansdale until 6 am which put me in Center City too late. So I drove to the nearest train station that had trains running at 5 am. I fed Jackson right before I left and then hopped in the car and left. I got to Center City around 7 and found the bag check and the corral I was supposed to be in. I stretched and relaxed a little...and then we were off!
I felt good, the first few miles seemed to go by quickly....there were 15,000 runners so the course was crowded. The upside was that there was either an aid station or band every mile. The downside...there were so many people at times it was suffocating.
The weather was great and the course looped through Philly and then headed out on Kelly Drive along the water. The was opposite the marathon that I ran in 04. It was shady and the course was really flat. Mile 10 I started to feel just tired. I knew that this would happen but my goal was to finish with a pace around 10:15. I still have a really hard time gaging my miles and pacing. So I just plugged on....the last two miles were the worst - full sun and I just wanted to finish!
The good news was the crowd was great at the end and there were a ton of people so it was nice. I finished in 2:14 which I is close to if not my best half time. Ryan was a trooper he had the kids all morning - well honestly most of the weekend....since I had plans both evenings. Jackson was missing his momma....well I think he was missing nursing more...when I got home.

You did incredibly well! You should be very proud! Now have a great time in Spain! :)
Very proud of you!
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