Thursday, January 31, 2013

Masters Swimming

Last night I attended a Masters swim program for the first time....and the experience was humbling to say the least.  I swim fairly well in the triathlon world, I swam growing up and this fall while I was in the off season I swam frequently with the high school

These girls are SMOKING fast.  I usually swim alone and the pool ranges from 85-87 degrees.  Last night was a breath of fresh air.  I spent the majority of the workout in zone 7....praying that I did not get lapped and holding on for dear life.

It is entirely different to swim with a group of "swimmers"   they swim huge volume during the week and they were unfazed by the mere 5000 yards we swam last night.  I was toast.  I do not know when the last time I swam that hard for that long.

I am going to try to get there once a is not entirely feasible for me to swim with them three times per week but I did love the challenge of something new.  So onward I go....swimmingly!

1 comment:

Jennifer Harrison said...

YEP! MY Wednesday night Masters swim is one of the hardest workouts I do all week! All the swimmers are FRESH and rested...and then I roll in! LOL :) Have fun!