Last night I attended a Masters swim program for the first time....and the experience was humbling to say the least. I swim fairly well in the triathlon world, I swam growing up and this fall while I was in the off season I swam frequently with the high school
These girls are SMOKING fast. I usually swim alone and the pool ranges from 85-87 degrees. Last night was a breath of fresh air. I spent the majority of the workout in zone 7....praying that I did not get lapped and holding on for dear life.
It is entirely different to swim with a group of "swimmers" they swim huge volume during the week and they were unfazed by the mere 5000 yards we swam last night. I was toast. I do not know when the last time I swam that hard for that long.
I am going to try to get there once a is not entirely feasible for me to swim with them three times per week but I did love the challenge of something new. So onward I go....swimmingly!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Some crazies
I certainly run with a bunch of crazies around here.. Jackson insisting on wearing a swim cap around the house
The only way we currently travel down the stairs...yes I have become immune to the danger and currently I am hoping to make it until May with no broken bones or stitches..boys are just so different.
A rare quiet moment..well not really. Aly was playing teacher and reading to everyone...
Fun new running shoes...LOVE them!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Weekend Fun
We spent the morning on the has been a while since we have been on skis. We had taken Aly and Brianna two years ago and last year was super warm so we did not hit the slopes. Jackson had never been skiing and I was a little worried that he would be tearing up the slopes. He did great!
We are going to ski on Wed nights as a is a little harder with the three since none of them are really on thier own yet. Aly is going to take lessons in the after school program so then Ryan and I can take the other two.
My legs had forgotten what is was like..and certainly differnt with a little person between your legs the whole time. The weather was warm and there was not a ton of snow but this little mountain is perfect for teaching little ones to ski!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Back to the grind
Jackson my faithful greeter...mind you it is COLD here.
I started training again in January after a good block of time off. I felt excited to be back into a groove and routine. We started slow, I was coming off being sick and not training and the combination left me only a little in the tank if that. I had spent the most of late November and December swimming my little heart out but that was it.
Well my battery is recharged and I am ready to go! I have picked out a few races this spring. A half marathon in April and a 70.3 in June. I am looking forward to using those as stepping stones to my big race at Lake Placid this year. I have a bunch of friends racing and I am looking forward to toeing the line for my first Ironman ( Ryan will tell you my ONLY).
The treadmill has proved to be a godsend with the kids, ice and snow. I ran my first run outside in CT this weekend and it was nice to get out in the cold fresh air again.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
This is how we roll
The boys went to the gym and the girls stayed home to cook. Aly is totally interested in reading recipes and cooking. She is my kid. Brianna was along for the ride and tasting.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Sunday Funday
It seems like the January is rolling through at a rather quick here are some fun updates
- I cleaned out our diaper bag for the final time since 2006...packed it up and put it away.
- I started back training for IMLP and promptly fell asleep at 8pm the first night I had a workout.
- Jackson potty trained over the holiday I am pretty excited that we may have purchased our last diapers...for now.
- Aly informed me that we must hold a planning meeting for her birthday. She is a list maker and definitely my child.
- I am so excited that I got this for my birthday. In my brief 30 min run last week...they trashed the basement. The trade off is worth it.
- I have some exciting stuff in the works in terms of hopefully will share soon!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
it will get will get easier
24 head through sheetrock and a large hole patched, sanded, and painted.
one side of the playroom repainted from black ballpoint pen
one living room wall repainted from an unnamed subject below swinging on a picture frame.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Our Brazilian New Years!
Each year we celebrate New Years with some friends who are from Brazil. The kids LOVE it. We ring the new year in at 9 pm - which if you ask Ryan is perfect for me since I am in bed soon after! The traditions are deep and the kids love all of the new things. In Brazil, tradionally you release white and yellow balloons with wishes for the New Year in them (I think). You eat Lentil Soup to bring you wealth in the new year. We had a great time!
Here is to a GREAT 2013
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