Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September Blues

My mini vacation is hoo!!!!

The good news is nothing really changed while I was gone as evidenced by Jackson sucking the whip cream out of the container.

The trip was great.  I spent a lot of time sleeping, reading, and enjoying great company.  We had a great condo on the beach and it was nice to enjoy a meal that did not include "could you please sit down and finish your dinner"

So back to the grind it is....we are keeping busy with Fall activities and adjusting to kids in different schools and the kindergarten routine.

I have been nursing a hip injury that has put a little halt in my running and my biking.  But I DO NOT MISS MY BIKE one little bit.  Nope not at has been parked in the garage since Quakerman and I am sure the tires are flat by default now.

So plans are on hold as to what I am going to run this fall.  I am working with a guy who specializes in ART therapy that is helping me get things back together...well I hope.

Ryan heads to Korea on Sat for the week..he has been busy with plan review here in Philly for the past two weeks.

1 comment:

Marisa said...

Jackson is doing whip-it's already?!?!
Sorry to hear about your hip. Are you still running the half this weekend?