When I was working, I tolerated the pink shoes, she would come running down the hall in the morning. It was like Corporate America in your bedroom, the click, click of the heels, and man they are loud. Then I really put them out of my mind, they would appear the moment we came home but it was only a short time before bed and bath.
The pink shoes need to disappear. Maybe it is jealousy, I never really walked well with heels, however, my 2 year old can run. No, she can sprint, in a moments notice as Brianna was trying to get her coveted lollipop this afternoon, she all out sprinted around the house waving the red lollipop. It sounded like I was in the NYC subway at rush hour. Secondly, she acts like she is wearing the most comfortable shoes around. They are plastic, they are too big, and hello, they are heels. I digress.
So now that I am home, I must begin Operation Pink Shoes Go Missing. However, I am at a loss as to where they can go. I know that I can hide them while she sleeps, but she asks relentlessly for them when they are missing. Any Ideas???????
1 comment:
Perhaps the shoe fairy needs to come and borrow them because her shoes broke and only Aly's shoes will fit her. Maybe if you can turn it into a positive that she is helping the shoe fairy, she'll feel good about it. Who am I kidding, she's still going to ask for them! But it's worth a shot - maybe if the shoe fairy brought her some ballet slippers to trade for? Anything a bit quieter would have to be better. :)
Good Luck! You are doing a great thing being home with them. The time goes by much too quickly as we both know. I can't believe sometimes that Josh will be 5 in April and starting kindergarten in the fall. Enjoying this time with them will give you a bond that can never be duplicated...
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