Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Moving Forward.....Making Progress

So this morning we were flipping through old pictures of the girls....Brianna loves to look at pictures when she was little...she will often climb into my lap and say...lets look at pictures of me as baby.. like this...

It is hard to believe how fast they grow...onto the real point of this:

I came across our 2009 new years of mine was to "like running more".....I laughed.  I think it will always be on my resolution list.  I like the feeling when I am done.  I certainly like the benefits it provides me, but man the actual task at hand I do not often like. 

 I have worked hard all winter on my running and this morning I had a run on my schedule....all the kids are home, so it meant that we head to the gym so I can use the treadmill.  While the treadmill usually epitomizes was my only option and I have found myself there more often than not this winter. was actually okay.  Still no comparison to laying by the pool in Aruba, but during the entire run I felt good and I never once thought "ohhh how I hate this"  which did happen hundreds of times during my 1:40 run on the treadmill on Sat.

Progress...little by little...



Kim said...

thanks for stopping by my blog!

where in aruba do you stay? glad to know its not too spring breaky... another reason we were hesitant is bc flights are super expensive and the airlines wont let us use their points. but good to know, would love to hear more!

GetBackJoJo said...

:) Soon you'll like running better than swimming or biking!