I had this long birthday post that I was going to do in honor of my 4 year old. But alas, I am going to make this short.
I am tired.
Maybe it was the cupcakes 48 in total with helpers, the fact that I have not been in bed before 11 the last couple of nights, and you know the pregnant girl has got to sleep, or the fact that I was up at 3 with the never before pregnancy insomnia.
Or that there is a lot on my mind.....Ryans luggage did not arrive in Turkey, we have 20 people coming on Sat to celebrate a birthday, a leak that has eluded our handyman in one of our apartments in CT, a baby in 6 weeks or so, and I have been just plain nauseous all day today.
But she had a great birthday - she loved her dress, the cinderella backpack/sleeping bag, and her cupcakes. Packages arrived from Nonna and Bumpa and Grandma and Grandpa Miller - we had a great time opening them and playing.
She got to pick dinner - Old MacDonalds and play in the play area.....followed by ice cream with our close friends.
and I am going to bed....